Hola, I'm Diana!

A web designer obsessed with creating strategic websites.

You're ready to have a kickass website, but you've realized it’s missing something…

Too many web designers try to create kickass websites without a strategic plan. A website is like building a house. Without planning and a blueprint, you will have a botched project. Developing a plan will make a practical, straightforward, user-friendly, and tailored website to fit your goal.

I'm here to help you develop the blueprint to bring your website to life.

It all started when I was designing my Myspace page…

Photo of Diana Rodriguez, web designer sitting on a bench using her laptop.

Yup, Myspace! It's cringeworthy now, but that's where my passion for design began. I was 13 years old and had no clue about the internet, but I figured it out and had fun customizing my page.

Fast forward to 2013, when I graduated from Full Sail University with a bachelor’s degree in graphic design; let me tell you, what I learned in school was nothing compared to the skills I picked up in the Myspace era. Let's say creating websites was a whole other level.

After graduation, I freelanced for a bit. I worked as a Marketing Associate until I left and started working for a non-profit as an in-house designer for the Marketing and Communications Department. Do you want to see some of my old work? If, so, you can find them here!

After years of working as an in-house designer, I was starting to lose my passion for design. And I needed to find that spark back.

Remembering the joy I had when I was 13, I embarked on my journey as a web designer and developer using Webflow.

Being an in-house designer taught me the importance of communication, trust, and collaboration. Those three components are the foundation for working together effectively. I can't wait to share my knowledge and be your advisor to help you achieve your goals.

Here are a few fun tidbits about me you might find interesting:

  • I married the guy I could not tolerate in high school, and now we have a beautiful baby girl.
  • I love making café at home (sorry, Starbucks).
  • Choosing my favorite food? Impossible. 
  • I have always been a daydreamer.
  • Slow walkers are my biggest pet peeve. 

My 5 Principles


I'm a sucker for communication, no matter the circumstances.


When people with different backgrounds come together, amazing things can happen. 


Always wonder and find new ways to improve and learn.


There is no need to panic; we can find solutions. 

Less is more

There’s no need to overcomplicate things; keep it short and simple.

Now, it's your turn.

Tell me about you and what you’re passionate about.
Let's Chat!